Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doc are human too...

Huh after 2.5 years of medicine (half-way of being doctor)...I learn this n that... What i know is medical education is pushing for a 'know everything' doctor.

For the basic,
Learning anatomy is a must
Also include Physiology
Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology
Histology, Endocrinology
And also Immunology, Neurology, Genetics.

More advance,
They want you to learn
Law, Geriatric, Pedeatric,
Any little more Gynae and Mental health

That is just knowledge,
Then clinically they wan you,
Learn surgery, medicine, psychiatry, primary care
this is applying the knowledge above.

Come to skill,
They teach you venepunture, suture, injection
Include catheterisation, Pap Smear, Bi-manual
Also physical examination (not only 1 but lots of them!!)
Aseptic technique, glowing and gowning, sterile procedure

Supplemental for all this,
Imaging, Lab result, Medical Procedure
All need Biochemistry and Common Sense

All together, need good Communication
but not to forget Patient Interaction
Teamwork, and Professinalism
What more..Come the ethic
Autonomy - Respect patient choices
Beneficience - Healing / Do good to patient
Non-Malaficence - Make no harm
Confidentiality - Keep patient issue secure
Veracity - Telling the truth

Not only that,
Medicine always have exception
Making thing complicated...

Even more helpless as medical student
Learning Community Health, Health Promotion
Health Care System, Health Care Policy
Drug/poison schedule

That include, practising by using
Statistics, Evidence Based Medicine, Reaserch
Which need Info retrieving skill
Include using Databased, Journal, Systemic review
And priceless books..

When doing consultation,
Patient health is not the problemhe/she come with
Is the overall health where he/she love in
Need Past Medical History, Family History
Also Social History, Sexual History,
That not enough,
Sometimes have to ask Occupation, Financial problem
Study problem, and other problem
What else, Health Prevention for the patient as well

Assessment wise,
We got time wasting Reflective Piece
Case History, Care Plan, Mini-Cex, OSLER & Essay
And big big exam such as OSCE and EXAM!!

That is what is learn for 2.5 years
And i can be very sure that most of the thing
Is learn just for the purpose of learning
How much is used when i am a doctor
I dunno, but i am sure it won't be more than 10%
It is tired being a medical student and doctor

They people out there,
Assume we must know all
But it is impossible...
My neuron are not made for all this stuff
Or my Hippopocampus can't remember all this
It is just ways too much....

Patient come, Patient go...
I just can do what is best for them
Other problem, let other people sort it out.
Not doctor...Other profession is specialising
By mean of focusing task to smaller groups in profession
This is same for Medicine
That y we have Peadiatrician, Cardiologist, Urologist...etc
But medical student is just medical student...
There is no Cardio-Medical student or Pead-Medical Student
This is why, medical student have to learn everything in this world
That is related to Human, Virus and Bacteria

I am too tired..
Just too much to know about
And being test
But knowing that in the end,
I would just make use <10% of what i learn

Dun worry,
This is not a sign of giving up..
Just a complaint to Medical Educator
It is time to change...
Teach things that relavant...
Or just thing that interested by the student
Not just everything..
If not your are wasting resources
When you teaching
Health promotion to a cardiologist-to-be student.

I know human is integrated,
If health promotion do imporatant to cardiologist
At least, throw away Reflective Piece
Which we always create story for that.....

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