Friday, November 16, 2007

The Next Morning

Ok...Initially should be waking up at 8.30 but all only make it at 9.30.. Hehe that night play till 3am leh.... After eat breakfast then we depart to Wildlife Park.. It is Tasmania Largest Wildlife Park.. But hoh when u be there, i dun feel like 1 2 go in. Walk from end to another end just need 5 min if u can run... That is wat they call as 'Largest'.. And need me pay $16 summore...Teruk...
Nvm...have a few picture here tough it is boring.. At least can see Aus native animal..

Ok below are pictures of those animals....Dun ask me the name cause i only know the 1st, 2nd and last picture animal name..

Okok 1st picture is Wombat...2nd Picture is Tasmanian Devil...Last Picture is Tasmania Koala Bear.. See that bear is in aeroplane.. Imported from China 1..Condsider as Australian Native cause currently only found in Tasmania..Living at Hobart summore.. Haha

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