Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New House....

Okok...this weekend i will be moving to new house...New rent house at City of Hobart...Above is the floor plan for my room and how i will arrange all the item in my room. This is the best way i can make use the space available in this 3mX3m room. Damn small.. Wat 2 do...poor ppl...

Blue = Double Bed
Yellow = L-shape Table
Brown = Short Book Shelve
Grey = Tall Book Shelve
Red = In-built Wardrobe
The Aeroplane point to north...Haven't consider feng shui yet in the arrangement...haha

All number show measurement of length in meters..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wat I Learn So Far

Delusion = U belief something that is false although there are evidence against you
Example: I'm Queen Elizabeth

Halucination = U feel, see, hear or perceive something that is not exist
Example: I hear that phone ring (but it is not)

Illusion = Distorted perception
Example: When you see something in dark or MAGIC....